Saturday 31 May 2008

No place like home

I've never quite understood why travelling is so tiring. Spent the best part of yesterday sitting in various trains, but wake up feeling exhausted. It's not helped in any way by still having a mass of stuff to get down to meet this deadline for Monday. The day starts with warm and with clear blue skies but my head is too full of demands to be able to properly enjoy it. It becomes a little easier to be at the computer after the cloud builds up, but this is still a day I want to be outside rather than in.

Because of the lack of time it makes more sense to go for a run than a cycle, so M comes over on the bike to join me for a run on the moor. This is just what I needed, and it felt really good to be running in my back garden again. I'm hardly doing any running training at all at the moment, just relying on the racing to keep me fit, and so I've spent very little time up on the moor of late. It was rather wonderful to be reminded of how much I've missed it. Much as though I love the cycling, there is something very special about the remote peace and quiet of the moor, particularly on a warm summer's day. We went out along the ridge to the Swastika Stone and then into the forest for a loop back around to the Buck Stones, to Cowper's Cross and on to the Cairn and home, about 9 miles.

Seeing M cycle back up the hill, I was so sorely tempted to get the bike out myself. It was such a beautiful evening, but I managed to resist somehow, knowing that I had to keep a clear head to work, and also thinking that I should be patient and wait for the Earlybirds ride in the morning.

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