Monday 7 July 2008

Slippery Slopes

No training again today (blobbing on the Harrier's Cycle Run), but it's somehow been a good day nevertheless. Still very cool and miserable for July, with more heavy showers punctuating the overall drabness of the weather - and I'm still not quite right with this cold - but I'm finishing the day on a bit of a high. Got a lot of software bits and pieces sorted out, so there is a feeling of things coming together despite the massive pressure that's on me right now. Also, got caught by the rain on the way to the station from the office in Bradford, so ran half a mile to avoid getting completely soaked - a test for the calf that was passed without any real problem.

Late in the evening, catching the last of the light and inspired by Graham Napier's antics for Essex in the 20-20 quarter against Northants (if any player has ever been so completely in the zone then it is this man at the moment), No.2 son wanted to throw a ball around for half an hour. I did quite a bit of running back and forth, again without a problem. Haven't done much of this with my lad this summer, but it was a lot of fun. And I'd forgotten just how well he can catch, and how well he can throw. A dislocated shoulder from a bike fall a few years back has done my throwing arm in, but at least I can still catch ... although I dropped a few tonight, something I never used to do. I've an awareness that my reaction time and coordination are not what they used to be. Another slippery slope I find myself sliding down!

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