Thursday 19 June 2008


It seems that the weeks are going by more and more quickly at the moment. I suppose it's a function of having so much on, so many things to think about, that there is no space for reflection and actually witness the time passing by. It just disappears. My running is what normally provides me with space in my life, and it works better than cycling because it is so much simpler. A pair of shorts and my running shoes, and I'm out the door, sometimes just for twenty minutes, but it gives me that bit of perspective that is so important. Without the running, I find it hard to get that vital long-range view, and that's how it's been today. I've felt closed in, kind of pressured, and, as a result, I've been struggling to work effectively.

No.1 son is flying out on his own to Peru tomorrow morning, so in between bouts of programming I've been helping him get organised. Not that he's actually needed much help. For being just 16 years old, I've been very proud of his self-sufficiency and quiet confidence. This prospect would have frightened the life out of me at his age, but he's taking it all in his stride. I think he's going to have a great adventure. And I've hatched a cunning plan to get some of that vital and much-needed space tomorrow!

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